Based on "the greedy the people" by e.e. cummingsthe angry the girls(as he as can try)they shriek and they bitchand they die for a wishthough flowers in the meadowssay Peacethe lovely the boys(as soft as can she)they pose and they primpand they weep for untilthough the dress in the closetsays Nowthe lonely the voices(as apart as can dark)they. Solche Frauen hattest du bisher nur auf Messen gesehen und dann meistens nur aus großer Ferne. Vorsichtig bewegst du dich auf sie zu. Sie lächelt dich an. "You must be Mr. Neuburger!", sagt die junge Frau mit einem süßen thailändischen Akzent. Du nickst nur wortlos. Sie kann höchstens 20 Jahre alt sein denkst du dir. Das ist kein Vergleich zur 38 jährigen Annette aus dem Onlinedatingportal von letzter Woche."Please cum with me!", sagt sie nun zu dir. "Hihi, sorry...please COME with me!",. Chief among these were the “Wall of Faith,” a partition set up in various “Temples of Shaw” with glory holes to ensure anonymous sex, the “Dance of Faith,” a masqued ball that inevitably led to clusterfucks full of masked strangers humping each other for hours at a time, the “Rite of Faith,” which was simply a free love festival conducted in pitch black darkness, and the “Families of Faith,” which were dimly lit family reunions consecrated to the concept of incestuous festivities that also. ”“No, but your 80% figure tells me you’re very confident. Usually you give me the ‘things could go either way’ bit.”“If he can find a shred of evidence, I’ll change my estimates, but Mark and Melissa retained Billie before they approached Dante and she did the initial correspondence. Even Dante didn’t know who the buyers were until he expressed interest in selling to them. And you never met either of them at any point before the dinner you had, nor had anyone on your management team, so I don’t.Read More